Friday, 26 December 2014

I have a few questions

These are not out of this world complex questions. They are rather simple everyday questions that an objective spectator to planet Earth might ask.

I have a few questions.

I witness death and disease and desensitization and destruction and an abhorrent lack of empathy amongst the people of this planet.

'What makes one man unavoidably the enemy of another?'

I have a few questions.

I see the beauty of architecture in the mosques, synagogues, churches and temples and I smile to myself at the amalgamation of human intellect with nature.

Then I see blood flowing from the eyes of the mountain as a church crossed paths with a mosque.

''Was the lesson of peace not enough to overcome your differences?'

I have a few questions.

I see people of the world laugh and cry together yet if one claims that a book can be interpreted differently from what the majority believe, it can lead to an early conclusion... of their life.

'Why are invisible beliefs more important than real people themselves?'

I have a few questions.

I see the earth, in all its infinite beauty and natural landmarks. I see the rivers and mountains and valleys and trees.

Then I see rivers of blood streaked arbitrarily on its surface. A crude demarcation of what belongs to whom.

'Who amongst you created the absolute evil that is 'ownership'?'

I have a few questions.

I see the smiles and eagerness on the faces of young children before they are told to hate the children that live on the other side of the river of blood.

'Why must you transfer hate down generations?'

I have a few questions.

I see a lot of happy groups, thriving together in an organized society.

Then I see the savage nature of humans when two groups cross paths.

'Why must you create divisions and sub-divisions when you are one and the same?'

I have a few questions.

I see people celebrating their successful 'independence' from people who do not match their belief system.

'Why are beliefs the reason for inter-human dissonance?'

I have a few questions.

I observe mass congregations to pray for salvation.

Then I see the same congregation propagating hate and spilling blood.

'How can you ask for salvation when you are doing everything in your power to spread evil?'

I have a few questions.

Human beings have transgressed through savage times, evolving out of the paradigm 'survival of the fittest' and into 'thriving in numbers' and further into an organized civil society.

'What then, took coexistence away?'

I have a few questions.

These are not out of this world complex questions. They are rather simple everyday questions that an objective spectator to planet Earth might ask.

I have a few questions.